About Southern pride making you money.

What Is it about grading that makes you money? When a card is authenticated and registed or a COA then you have true knowledge that it is protected. In another sense it lets you know its genuine and not fake. Truth is non graded cards considered raw are worth less then a authenicated card. Its the difference between generic and oem . Sports card makers have been around for along time and have done alot to stay open. They take alot of loss and profit to ensure then keep this loved collecting alive. A special thank you to the sports card companies for all you do. Collecting also helps with things like PTSD and saving also investing in something for later. Where does grading come in? If I buy a card for 250k It would have to be graded to protect me. Also it protects the card from odor and mold smelling , Also scraches dings corners all protected. Take a 1000 dollar card and put it on a desk spill the coffee and it not be slabed bye bye card. Cards that are not protected too much can happen and trust me its worth it. Take a 1989 Upperdeck Ken Griffey JR card #1 raw 40 to 70 dollars. Now same card gradded alot more a 10 is over 2k any questions there? The records of sold collectables on file are graded ones. The better the grade the higher the sale. I enjoy the sports card invester on youtube he is so impressive on his knowledge I would promote his site all day long. Thanks Jeff Wilson next to God you have taught me everything I need to know to invest. We are offering a low cost grade for collectors. We use a 10 point system to grade. Corners , Centering , Surface , thickness, Authentic , Scratches , Fingerprints , Overall condition. You will get a grade of 1-10 we will love to give out all 10s unfortunitly fairness is what we do. If you get a 5 you will get a explanation of why you got a 5 not just a grade. Ever got a card gradded and got a 8 and couldnt understand why. With SPG you get that detailed COA to explain why. We will give you what you are looking for the best. We refuse to smash any other competitor we are in this together. One company cant grade every card out there it takes multiples. With SPG we have Pride and are from the south. We are not racist , sexiest or any other type of hate copany. We eploy all races of people and sexes of people. We are God made and that is what matters. I want to take the time to Thank everyone and every company that has made this possible Thank you Kenneth Williams Owner and Customer of Southern Pride Grading.